For the Love of Halloween πŸ–€πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. The whole month fills with anticipation for that last day in October. The month also seems to have the ability to have long and slow days while October itself breezes by and it’s Halloween before you know it. This year, I got our costumes early and managed to squeeze in family holiday photos, a pumpkin patch visit, pumpkin painting and my favorite - halloween makeup!


Celebrating Halloween with kids has added to the excitement since there are so many activities that fill the month and end with the kids getting their favorite thing ever - treats & candy! For the past 4 years, my family has hosted Halloween at our house with all my cousins and their kids along with a few close friends. The kids love getting together on this day to dress up and go trick-or-treating together. From our house, we make the 10 min walk to a blocked-off street in our neighborhood just for trick-or-treaters. Then, we head back to our house and fill the night with food, fun, music, and of course - treats! I really love seeing all the kids in my family together and I hope to do it for as long as the kids are willing to participate in Halloween festivities πŸŽƒ
